What we do

At Wadi Noor Solar Power Company (WNSPC) our expertise lies in harnessing the sun brilliance to create a sustainable energy future. As pioneers in photovoltaic solutions, we specialize in conceiving and operating cutting-edge PV solar plants that convert sunlight into clean electricity.

Business Strengths

Plant & Technology

Our PV solar plant is a testament to cutting-edge technology and meticulous design. Powered by advanced solar panels that boast high efficiency and durability, our plant maximizes energy capture from the sun's rays. Innovative tracking systems follow the sun's path throughout the day, optimizing panel orientation for peak performance.

Wadi Noor Solar Power Company
Operation & Maintenance

The first two years the O&M will be handled by the EPC contractor under the WNSPC supervision.

Health, Safety & Environment

At WNSPC, safety is a core value that remains one of our top priorities. We are committed to the safety of our employees, our contractors and our local communities. Our safety programs are designed to reinforce the safety culture among all personnel. We operate on the principle that all incidents are preventable if everyone completes each task safely. Our programs engage everyone by incorporating safety measures specifically tailored for each of three targeted groups: department heads and managers, supervisors and engineers. Leadership plays an important role in making our incident and injury-free workplace a reality. Leaders participate directly in coaching sessions, safety discussions, and workshops focused on ensuring safe and secure operations.

Another channel of direct management engagement is the WNSPC HSE (Health, Safety & Environment) Committee chaired by the CEO. This committee discusses the monthly HSE highlights, major incidents, and lessons learned, and conducts monthly site visits. The Committee also organises forums in which operators and maintenance personnel meet to discuss areas of mutual safety concern and share experiences. This is also supported by a network of safety champions and coaches that are embedded in all assets and in all shifts.

The Project Company has prepared a project specific Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA)complying with the Environmental Authority of Oman and international standards (IFC Performance Standards and Equator Principles) requirements, among others. The ESIA is publicly available in the next link: Manah-1 Solar PV Independent Power Plant - Projects